Picking out a floor plan can be a daunting task, but we have put together a few helpful tips to make your decision easier.


  1. Think About the Future: How many bedrooms do you need? Is that going to change in the coming years? Building a home is a big decision, and there is a good chance that the house you plan to build will be your “forever” home. It is very important to think about how the space will work for you in the future. Maybe your family is still growing. Maybe your kids have all moved out, but you want to have a place for them when they come visit. Maybe you need an extra room for a home gym, office, or craft room. When you are trying to pick out a floor plan, you should think about the kind of space you need.
  2. Basement or Crawlspace: This can be a tricky decision for some people to decide. Eliminating a basement can save money. However, there are lots of things to consider before saying yes to a crawlspace. Basements provide protection from dangerous storms, which is an important feature in the Midwest. They also provide a large amount of storage space, a great place for your furnace and water heater if you need more room on the main level, and the possibility to expand your living space in the future. Before you rule out a basement, carefully consider what is best for you and your family.
  3. Storage: For me, storage is a big deal! I don’t like clutter, and prefer that everything has a designated place. Think about what kind of storage you currently have, and how you would like that to change or stay the same in your new home. As you are picking out a floor plan think about where you will store the vacuum, your husband’s SIX winter coats (oh, is that just my husband?!), or your wife’s stash of shoes.
  4. Stairs: As a child, I dreamed of living in a house with multiple levels. How fun would it be to have stairs? Now I feel like one level (with the exception of a basement) is the route I would take. I have one young child, and as my family continues to grow, the idea of my kids being on a different level scares me. If you like the idea of stairs, but have similar fears, opt for a plan with all the bedrooms on the same floor.
  5. Bigger is Not Always Better: Now, let me tell you, when you move from a 900 square foot house, bigger sounds very appealing. However, there are some disadvantages to bigger houses. 1. More space to live = more space to clean! If it is a necessity that is fine, but I don’t want to clean 4 bathrooms if I don’t have to. 2. More floor space means you have more space to fill. Unless you like the look of empty rooms, you are going to have to furnish your new space. Keep that in mind when you are looking at huge floor plans. 3. More space could mean more company. If you are the only house that is big enough to accommodate all of your in-laws, they will probably stay with you….just sayin’!
  6. Location, Location, Location: Your lot has VERY close neighbors to the west? Avoid plans that would give you the opportunity to watch them eat dinner while you soak away in the tub! Think about where the rooms are going to land on your property.

Well, I hope that makes you feel a little better about picking out your perfect floor plan. Stop by one of our locations to walk through our display homes and let us help you make your dream home a reality.


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