About Pine Ridge Homes
Since 1998, Pine Ridge Homes has built and provided modular homes, as well as general contracting services. Those services include; concrete construction, utility installations, HVAC systems, carpentry service, and other types of site improvements and construction.
Pine Ridge Homes believes in educating versus selling. Our team focuses on assisting our clients in purchasing the appropriate home to meet their individual needs. Through multiple local financial institutions, we have developed a network of specialists over the years that allow Pine Ridge to coordinate construction and permanent financing, as well as specialized finance programs, such as Rural Development and FHA options, and various insurance and extended warranty offerings while consistently looking out for our clients best interests.
Our Benton, Illinois location opened in 2015 (shown above)….Our main sales center and builder showroom is at 80 Pine Ridge Dr. Vandalia, Illinois, just off of Interstate 70 at Exit 61.
Hello! My name is Kevin Satterthwaite, Owner of Pine Ridge Homes.
I would like to welcome you to Pine Ridge Homes. I hope you enjoy your visit and hope the information you gather will be helpful to you. Give us a call or e-mail after you’ve had a chance to review what we have to offer. Any feedback would be much appreciative and useful.
Hello! My name is Kevin Satterthwaite, and I would like to welcome you to Pine Ridge Homes. I hope you enjoy your visit, and I hope that the information you gather from your visit will be helpful to you. Please take the time to give us a call or respond by e-mail after you’ve had a chance to review what we have to offer. Any feedback would be much appreciative and useful.
I’d like to start off by introducing myself and giving you a little background into how I ended up in the factory-built housing business. Several years ago while attending college; I had a part-time job at a local manufactured housing sales center. Like most college students I was trying to make ends meet. Although I received some assistance from my parents, I also had to work in order to put myself through college. Work is something I was accustomed to though, as I have always had jobs of some sort or another for as far back as I can remember
In the early 1990’s I began what I assumed would be just another temporary job on my way to getting through college. How little did I know! What started off as cleaning, decorating homes, answering phones, etc., soon became a lot more. I was working for a small family-owned business. As my relationship with the family grew, so did my work load. And believe me there was plenty of work. The diversity within their business was tremendous. The family had started off in the rental business and auction business, and grew into much more than that over the years. During my time there the business consisted of three land lease communities, many rental properties, a large diversified parts store, service technicians, and new home sales. As you may imagine, this became a vast learning center for me. Fortunately, I had a very good relationship with this family, and I still do to this day. They welcomed me with open arms and over the next 4 or 5 years I became a great asset to them, as did they for me.
In 1998, after my wife and I graduated from college we moved back to our hometown in Vandalia, Illinois and opened Pine Ridge Homes. As we started a family, we wanted to be close to our relatives, and by this time I had already seen a market in Central Illinois for factory built housing. Fortunately, my experiences gained while away at college were now being put to use. I gained background experience in the rental business, property development, parts and supply, service, contracting, and homes sales. There is no way I could have survived in those early years if I were just some hot shot salesman trying to open a business. The other segments of the factory-built housing industry are far more important. Good management, customer relations, service, knowledge in areas of construction and contracting, and incorporating the morals and values associated with the successful small business I had been a part of, have enabled Pine Ridge Homes to prosper. From 1998 until present, Pine Ridge has evolved and expanded. We now have a second location in Benton, IL and we are predominately a turn-key modular home builder.
The sincerity, honesty, and desire to do what is right and good, is foremost at Pine Ridge Homes. I believe in honoring contractual obligations and standing behind our commitments. I believe in providing the most value that your hard-earned money can buy. I believe in consultation and careful decision making rather than high pressure sales techniques. I attend home shows and I stay involved with reading, researching, and visiting other successful people. To stay on top of my game I have to be willing to constantly try to get better and stay informed about new ideas, new technology, and new construction techniques. I do all these things. I also am very active in local, state, and national associations. My commitment to Pine Ridge Homes is unfaltering. Word of mouth is the best form of advertising a business can achieve, and I assure you that Pine Ridge will do whatever it takes to add you to our list of satisfied customers.
My wife, son, two daughters, and I hope that we can have the opportunity to serve you. Our staff is here to help you with any of your home buying decisions. Factory, systems-built housing is here to stay. It is the future of new construction. The quality, value, and affordability achieved through factory construction techniques are second to none. Pine Ridge will provide the professionalism, expertise, and management necessary to make your home package become reality.
My family would like to wish your family the very best in your search for a new home. We, at Pine Ridge Homes, look forward to the opportunity to help you with your housing needs.
I hope to see you soon,
Kevin Satterthwaite
Pine Ridge Homes
Happy New Year Everyone!
It’s hard to imagine it’s been 22 years since opening Pine Ridge Homes. The original “Message from the Owner” I wrote still holds true, but the kids are growing, the gray hair is more prominent and I thought a brief addition to the original message was appropriate after all this time.
I first want to thank my family for sticking by my side as we have worked so hard to grow this business over the years. It wouldn’t be worth it without them. It hasn’t been easy and it doesn’t get much easier. It’s extremely hard work running a business and accommodating so many services in the new construction field. The hours are never ending and the details never lacking, but my passion is still there. I love this business and there is nothing routine or boring about it. Every day poses a new challenge. Second, a huge thank you to all of our customers who without you none of this would be possible. I appreciate your business and also the referral business you have sent our way. It’s comforting to know that we have so many satisfied customers out there and I can’t wait for what the next 22 years will bring. And third, I want to thank our business partners. From the factories at the national and regional level to the subcontractors at the local level, it takes a team to make everything come to fruition. We have been lucky to develop some great relationships over the years. We hold our business partners to the same level of honesty and integrity that we practice every day at Pine Ridge. That has resulted in a great team effort where treating people and their projects as if they were our own is our number one priority.
As we move forward and experiment with expansion I promise that our commitment to quality and value will never change. I remain committed to offering our customers the best quality and value on the market. “Quality” simply stated is the merging of good design with appropriate products and materials, installed with superior workmanship. “Value” is what a customer gets for the price paid. Pine Ridge has never claimed to be the “cheapest.” Rather, we strive to offer the best product in terms of technical, economic, service, and social benefits that your hard earned money can buy. I feel we offer the most for the money, and I will continue to make sure that objective remains our priority. The result is the best value in new home construction in Central and Southern Illinois.
I encourage you to check us out if you are in the market to build a new home. We won’t get every home sale. We realize that. But we certainly would welcome an opportunity to try to earn your business. I have always preached that the sale process for building a new home is just that, a process. With that in mind we are not high pressure. Our objective it to listen, get to know you, and see if we can help you with your new home needs. That takes time, sometimes a long time. So don’t feel that if you stop by we are going to try to rush to contract or force you into some particular model home. Rather, we want to find out the best way to meet your needs with the quality and value that Pine Ridge offers. So we appreciate the opportunity in advance and look forward to seeing you.
I hope everybody has a great and prosperous 2021!
God Bless,
Kevin Satterthwaite
Pine Ridge Homes
Keeping abreast of the latest developments in new home and modular construction is a passionate endeavor for Kevin Satterthwaite and Pine Ridge Homes. Kevin is past chairman of the Illinois Manufactured Housing Association, a past Board member of the Manufactured Housing Institute, a past member of the Systems Built Research Alliance and a local member of the Home Builders Association and National Association of Home Builders. Pine Ridge Homes has been recognized for numerous sales and service achievement awards over the years.
1999 Sales Achievement Award – Liberty Homes
2000 Sales Achievement Award – Liberty Homes
2008 Gold Level Outstanding Sales Achievement – Crest Homes
2009 Distinguished Builder Outstanding Sales Achievement Award – Crest/Schult Homes
2009 Five Star Service Award – Crest/Schult Homes
2009 Distinguished Member of President’s Builder Advisory Board – Ritz-Craft Corporation
2010 Certificate of Appreciation to commitment of excellence – Hi-Tech Housing
2011 Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Service as Director and Chairman of the Illinois Manufactured Housing Association
2012 MHI National Award-Retail Sales Center of the Year-Midwest
2015 Harold Jurgens Memorial for Affordable Housing
2015 Award for Excellence – Rochester Homes
2016 Award for Excellence – Rochester Homes
2017 Award for Excellence – Rochester Homes
2018 Award for Excellence – Rochester Homes
2019 Award for Excellence – Rochester Homes
2020 Award for Excellence – Rochester Homes
Our Team

Kevin Satterthwaite

Sales Coordinator

Connor Satterthwaite
Sales and Marketing Assistant

Sheldon Satterthwaite
Project Manager

Project Assistant